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Make no mistake, all surgical procedures are serious. Get the information you need and know your options. Then make an informed decision. Like any service, not all veterinary services are equal. Call to schedule or ask questions.

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What Makes ACOSM Stand Out?

We pride ourselves on doing things differently. We insist on providing premier service to our patients and their caregivers. There's a saying, "Price is what you pay; value is what you get." At ACOSM, delivering on value is our mission.

We're proud of our experience, skill, and outcomes; it puts us in a category of one, which means you'll experience things with us not promised by any other veterinarian in AZ.

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Dog Blog

Distal Femoral Osteotomy for Comprehensive Treatment of Medial Patella Luxation

Three-Dimensional Printed Patient Specific Guides for Acute Correction of Deformities

Comparison of Arthroscopy and Arthrotomy for Diagnosis of Medial Meniscal Pathology

Second Look Arthroscopic Findings After Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy

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